Lekcja – Wykrywanie cykli w grafie
graph = [ [1, 4], [2,3,4], [3], [], [4,5], [] ] def has_cycle_to_node(graph, node, visited, path): visited[node] = True path.append(node) for neighbour in graph[node]: if not visited[neighbour]: if has_cycle_to_node(graph, neighbour, visited, path): return True if neighbour in path: cycle = path.copy() while cycle[0] != neighbour: del cycle[0] cycle.append(neighbour) print(cycle) return True del path[-1] return False def has_cycle(graph): visited = [False] * len(graph) path = [] for node in range(len(graph)): if not visited[node]: if has_cycle_to_node(graph, node, visited, path): return True return False if has_cycle(graph): print("Graph has a cycle") else: print("Graph has no cycle")
names = ['Dad', 'Mum', 'Grandma', 'Grandpa','Doughter', 'Son'] history = [ [0,1,0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,1,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0] ] def has_cycle_to_node(graph, node, visited, path): visited[node] = True path.append(node) neighbours = [] for n in range(len(graph[node])): if graph[node][n] == 1: neighbours.append(n) for neighbour in neighbours: if visited[neighbour] == False: if has_cycle_to_node(graph, neighbour, visited, path): return True if neighbour in path: cycle = path.copy() while cycle[0] != neighbour: del cycle[0] cycle.append(neighbour) print([names[i] for i in cycle]) return True del path[-1] return False source=4 for candidate in range(len(names)): org_value = history[source][candidate] history[source][candidate] = 1 visited = [False for x in range(len(names))] path = [] has_cycle = has_cycle_to_node(history, source, visited, path) history[source][candidate] = org_value if has_cycle: print(f'Giving the gift to {names[candidate]} would make a loop') else: print(f'OK to give the gift to {names[candidate]}')